Get Solutions

This Beat Plastic Pollution Practical Guide provides some helpful tips on how we can all be part of the global movement to solve the plastic pollution crisis.

Governments, cities and towns

Act, commit and set new norms and standards. Governments can catalyze change on a global, regional and local scale.

While solutions must engage every sector, governments and local authorities need to drive change, introduce laws to reduce the production of harmful and unnecessary plastics, incentivize sustainable business practices and invest in better waste management infrastructure.

Business and finance

Design out waste by eliminating and substituting unnecessary and hazardous plastic production and packaging, especially single-use plastic.

Investors can play a key role in mobilizing finance and setting standards for businesses and industries to move away from harmful plastic production toward circular economies on plastics.

People and communities

Individual and community actions underpin the systemic change required to transition to a less plastic-dependent economy.

NGOs, faith organizations and community groups are a powerful source of change in the world. We can all use our voice and choices to drive change.